Monday, July 11, 2011

Latitude Poetry Tent – Saturday July 16th 19.00-20.00

A fairly ramshackle reading / performance at the Latitude festival. Arriving to the strains of Conor Oberst floating across from the main stage, I felt a little daunted looking into the Poetry tent, and seeing its size.

Observations were made as to the similarity between poetry readings and stand-up comedy - but then, this is a festival after all. Tim Key was particularly blinding.

So, along with Phil Bowen, Damian Furniss, Pam Johnson, Luke Wright, David Woolley, Tammy Yoselof, Anne Gray and Caroline Bird, I played 'Song to Woody', '4th Time Around', 'Crazy Love' (by Van Morrison) and 'Simple Twist of Fate'. Not all that enviable, after seeing Dylan reinterpret the latter so brilliantly at Feis a few weeks before. 'Did anybody here see him play?' I asked the audience. A girl at the back had. 'How was he?' I asked. 'Awesome!'

Next two stops on the Captain's Tower itinerary are the Exeter Poetry festival on 9th October and the Bridport Open Book festival on 20th November.

1 comment:

Carrie Etter said...

Wow, I so wish I could be there to hear your set! Good luck!